Seizures in dogs ≥ 5 yrs of age

The goal of this study was to better characterize seizures in older dogs.

Term: Vertebral column

The spinal column is the series of vertebrae that are ...

Should screening AUS be performed before MRI?

When asked what the minimum database is for practically any disorder, including neurologic disease, the "knee-jerk" response is often: CBC, chem, T4, UA, blood pressure, thoracic rads and abdominal ultrasound (AUS). But, does this hold up under scrutiny? This study aimed to answer that question at least with regard to AUS.

Audiogenic reflex seizures in cats

A reflex seizure is one that occurs in response to an external sensory stimulus, such as strobe lights at an amusement park or show. Audiogenic reflex seizures are those that are induced by certain sounds. Click on the post title to read more about this study describing feline audiogenic reflex seizures.