Imaging: What is this MRI abnormality?

Identify the structure/abnormality indicated in these MR images and discuss its significance.

Quiz: Drooling & uncoordinated Golden

Test your neuro knowledge on these 3 questions about an ataxic & drooling Golden.

Term: Dysmyelination

This week's term is dysmyelination, which is decreased myelination due to...

COTM: Paraparetic Russian Blue

5yr MC Russian Blue presented for progressive pelvic limb weakness and incoordination not improving with prednisone.

Quiz: Paraparetic Boxer

Test your neuro skills on these 4 questions about a paraparetic Boxer.

Term: Pneumorrhachis

Pneumorrhachis is gas (air) within the...Click on post title to read the full definition, etymology, and clinical relevance.

Quiz: A fantastic voyage

You are the star of the sequel to the Fantastic Voyage, but this time your submarine is injected into the right lateral ventricle. You must guide your submarine through the ventricular system.

Quiz: Lab with episodic weakness

You are presented with an 8-month-old intact male Labrador Retriever for possible seizures. The owner reports that the dog has been having episodes in which the dog becomes progressively weak and uncoordinated after intense play with the other dog in the family.

Term: Decussation

An X-shaped crossing of nerve fibers on post title to read more about the pronunciation, etymology and definition.

COTM: Neurologic Catahoula

A 2-year-old FS Catahula dog is presented with multiple neurologic deficits.

Quiz: Seizures

Test your neuro knowledge against these 4 seizure questions.

Term: Mesencephalon

The mesencepahlon is the middle of the three primary vesicles of...