Term: Hippus
Hippus is a spasmodic or rhythmic dilation and constriction of the pupil. Click on post title to see a video of a cat with hippus and read about possible causes.
Imaging Dx: Neck pain & thoracic limb lameness
A 5-year-old castrated male mixed breed dog was brought in for…
Term: Enophthalmos
This week's Neuro Words for Nerds term is enophthalmos. Click on post title to read more about the pronuncation, etymology, definition and clinical relevance.
Quiz: Stuck in a corner
Where is this dog's lesion and what other signs might you see?
Term: Dysmetria
Impairment of the ability to control the rate and range of...
Quiz: Abnormal pupil in a cat
What is the anatomic basis for the abnormality shown in the image? Click on post title to learn more.
COTM: Min Pin falls on her head
An 11-year-old spayed female Miniature Pinscher was playing on the couch with another dog. She was knocked off the couch and hit her head on the hardwood floor.
Term: Hyperostosis
Hyperostosis can occur in any bone, but in veterinary neurology, hyperostosis is a common finding in...
Quiz: MRI anatomy
Can you identify these structures commonly observed on MRI?
Term: Xerostomia
This week's term is xerostomia, an excessive dryness of...
Localize: Rat Terrier w/ left-sided weakness
A 5-year-old castrated male Rat Terrier was brought in for weakness. Six months earlier, he had an episode of left-sided weakness, incoordination, and he could barely walk at the time.