Localize: Shiba Inu abnormal gait

Shiba Inu with acute onset of difficulty rising and falling over

Term: Gamma motor neuron

Gamma motor neurons are one of three types of...

Term: Filum terminale

A thread-like extension from the end of...

Localize: “Down cat”

7yr FS DSH with sudden onset of inability to walk

Term: Epilepsy

An enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures...

Case: Yorkie with head tilt

8 yr MC Yorkshire Terrier with progressive ataxia

Term: Dysphonia

Most commonly caused by diseases affecting the...

Term: Cerebral perfusion pressure

Pressure gradient between systemic mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and...

Term: Bruxism

Bruxism is defined as unconscious grinding of the...

Term: Arbor vitae

White matter tracts of the...

Localize: Sloppy eating Shih Tzu mix

5yr Shih Tzu mix with sloppy eating and drinking

Quiz: Can you hear me now?

5 questions about hearing and deafness