Imaging: Artifact on spinal MRI

MRI artifact

Term: Edinger-Westphal nucleus

Parasympathetic nucleus of the...

Term: Diaschisis

Sudden loss of function in one region...

Localize: Nonambulatory Beagle mix

12 yr FS Beagle Mix unable to walk

Term: Cryptogenic

Of obscure or...

NADX? Cat with “odd” gait

2 yr FS DLH with sudden onset right thoracic limb gait abnormality

Term: Brachium

Collection of axons that...

Imaging: Nonambulatory tetraparetic Bichon

11yr MC Bichon with acute tetraparesis

Localize: Cat unable to walk after falling off bed

8yr MC DMH unable to walk after falling off the bed

Term: Axonopathy

Disease or disorder of axons. Click on post title to read more.

Localize: Mix breed dog referred for difficulty walking

6 yr MC Mix breed difficulty walking

Localize: Lab referred for RHL knuckling

11yr FS Lab knuckling over on RHL